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*Native Americans praised Nature through Costume by dressing up as an animal and acting out mythical tales!



It's an amazing time right now! This year is notoriously related to change, and I am finding myself completing my book of essays with a sense of urgency, but also, with ease, clarity, and hope! My book of essays is a collection of social, global, and universal (not to mention dimensional) topics, which include such topics as Separation, Essence, and Mysticism. There is much to behold considering our creation is infinite! Infinite possibilities can take place which only our Eye can See! Of course, this is metaphorical--the way history, literature, and translations have also been metaphorical. In just our human history (alone,) so much has happened in a long period of time that one can access a viewpoint from far, far away, with scientists able to trace organisms, layers of rock, and evolution further back than even our own origin! It is no surprise, then, that some of us think we reincarnate, recycle, and regain our will to not only live, but BE! I mean, imagine if nothing was infinite, but, instead, finite! If you only knew you had this lifetime to live before becoming completely nothing (and, unable to fathom any other possibilities, or, alternatives,) what would you do? How would you live? Would you act as a mortal, or, immortal? Again, the latter question is metaphorical because if you lived as a mortal, you would accept death as finite, and you would probably take advantage of what your life had to offer--never wanting it to cease! At the same time, if you lived as an immortal, (believing you would never die,) you might live as if you had the rest of your life to do anything you want; thus, taking your time to complete tasks, journeys, and revelations that you might, in-fact, never even complete! At one point, though, you would probably crave change.

Whether you believe this is our only lifetime, or, you believe we have repeated cycles here on earth and can journey elsewhere in the universe, you are the ONLY (one) responsible for your beliefs, or, non-beliefs! A person once told me how he believed this is IT--our only life! He continued to say he had a dream where he was "sleeping" in a coffin for what seemed like days, witnessing himself from above, in a ceiling, observing ways in which he could wake himself up...which, lay in the coffin. He continued to say that when he finally "woke up" from inside the coffin, he looked around and noticed dozens of more coffins (carrying bodies) similar  to his! (Meaning, many others shared his belief!) He clarified how when he awoke, he knew there was significant meaning; yet, he refused to believe it as a sign! He was dedicated to believing that once we die, we become Nothing!

There are many of us whom share this belief that once we die, there are no more chances to live. However, if one looks closely at nature, one will see RenewaL! In fact, so much scripture is based off this process of RenewaL. It is not just about cycles and recycling, it is about never-dying (E)nergy! Both Science and Religion have proven (E)nergy never dies. Not only that, both have assumed that energy requires a creative and destructive force, with religion often using parables to mediate the opposing forces!

Our time right now is CruciaL! We are coming to a point where circumstances can either change, or continue on! Neither is wrong; both are crucial! Whether you fathom this, or, not, change happens, and if you are aware of your surroundings, your deepest desires, or, your pinnacle points in time, you will note how important it is to think about what you want, what you believe, and what it means to renew! Many religions believe our grand cycle on earth is creation, post-creation, pre-destruction, and destruction--only to repeat it all over again! (Hence, reincarnation and cycles!) Others believe this process holds "blending periods," meaning, when we move from one age to another, a certain amount of blending is processed during that time. Interpretation is different for a lot of us, but, most-likely, this blending period means we should prepare for a time when anything is possible, and channels are open! It isn't about panic, oppression, or, ignorance! It is about devotion to self, renewal, and fulfillment...for, when that time appears which tests our humanistic capabilities, we choose to either blend, resist, or accept our inevitable fate--whichever it may be! And, yet, as mortal thinkers, we assist in deciding our own inevitable fate!

Until next time, be Proud, Think, Assist, and LOVE!


Stay tuned for more... book of essays!


Current Scheme

My reviewing of music shows is on hold right now until things get settled with a couple of sites, and, I get a new I.D. card. It's amazing what one has to do in order to identify one's self. Imagine if our technology ran out of power, or, if we had to flee, and, we had no source of would that change how we relate to one another? Even writing this here passage would be impossible and un-necessary if technology all of a sudden lost power for an undetermined amount of time. Wow--the things we take for granted, and, why shouldn't we when it is available for use? It is okay to take some things for granted as long as you prepare for, and, appreciate the alternative...kinda like the Geomagnetic Reversal!

Hopefully, I will witness and write about music shows, bands, and songs soon! Until then, support music, listen, and love! Cheers!