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Back To Writing

After some much-needed time off, I am back to writing! As an observer, I needed some time to kick back, relax, and let time pass! I did just that--to the best of my abilities with my very own family! Each day is a day to shine, though--despite the clouds! So, I'm doing just that, and I am pleased to announce my next project in writing: LiL Miss O. A quirky little read in the realm of femininism by yours truly, sociologist, "sandieganliz." Stay tuned for more details!

In the meantime, with regards to my writing career, I recently read a passage on the licensing needs of writers, whom can be fined for not only receiving 1099s, but conducting a home-based business. Of course, it is a law (set by various states in different times) for the government to get their hands on the cookie jar. No worries, I shall write for free -(ish)... in my home (and other areas)... based on observations I see in real life, in text, and in media, politics, or other tough spot deemed threatening to the basic values of human life! I thank ALL of you for your SIGHT as well! Be Well/Take Care.