We're surrounded by them- different kinds with different procedures and tasks, and funded mostly by governments- particularly in the U.S.A. Organizations are the steel rods in the buildings of society! The earlier established, and depending upon a particular culture- maybe even race, the more cemented these organizations are in not only gaining support from loose ends, but also when it comes to instilling their own set of values in the fabric of society!
As a sociologist, I observe and interpret feedback from situations, observations, and information I gather on a daily, weekly, sometimes even yearly basis because guess what- it is telling of particular situations and habits of humanity! In observing a relationship between two people over time, for example, it is telling whether they have a strong connection, or weak one suitable for marriage... and even then, only time will tell! Also, when it comes to habits, one can observe whether an addiction is present, or a form of programming which stems from childhood, trauma, or possibly even a neurological disorder, like anxiety, OCD, or psychosis! In observing certain habits and statistics, one can trace the origin of such foundations, and apply it to numerous causes which can be considered either beneficial, or not!
Over years of my studies, I started to understand the foundation, purpose, and enormity that organizations held over people. For instance, the biggest organizations are governments and corporations! Without question, most people sense their impact upon arrival and first experience of the products and policies that have been, or are currently being instilled among populations! Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Disney, and Macintosh are multi-national corporations that are recognizable due to their enormity and impact! Different forms of government are recognized due to their history and policies upon a set of people who must adhere to them as citizens of a particular area! Organizations are everywhere- even among indigenous tribes who must use practices and methods to survive by way of strategies found through traditional values, methodical procedures, and nowadays, adaptation to a larger scene- particularly that of urbanization, and industrialization! Some groups of people still refuse to assimilate with other cultures, and are often known as "rebels" because instead of embracing unfamiliar cultures, they attack them; though, this is presumably a normal reaction (psychologically-speaking) to that which is unfamiliar and leads to fear! In fact, this reaction is the basis of how humanity came to organize, and was the cause of war among early groups of people! If a person is on the defensive side to something unfamiliar, or some form of change, then they are most likely to rebel and attack- like a vicious dog toward a stranger!
Nowadays, it appears the entire world is unifying to not only learn and embrace each other, and possibly one another's culture, but we are becoming more connected and accepting of differences, policies, and structures which benefit humanity. For example, democracy is a political system more countries are striving to implement due to the power it is supposed to give its citizens; however, like most political systems, there are flaws and disagreements, and what may benefit one group of a democracy may not benefit another, such as laws, balance of powers, and taxes. Some people may feel betrayed or limited by a law, feel powerless, and/or unable to pay taxes; therefore, they may not benefit from this type of system unless they decide to work, become a team-player, and participate in implementing laws by voting, or forming political movements! Although one system may not work for one group, or another, there are many ways to find a common basis, or agreement- particularly without referring to destructive powers, such as war, neglect, or rebellion.
With our world being vast and enormous, there are going to be some things which work for one particular group of people, and other things which won't work for them! Thus, what won't work for some people may lead to destructive, revolutionary reactions where some will feel the desire to strike back, and even attack! Although this can be due to the history and habits of a particular person, or people, it can be noted that in today's age, we have so many resources which can hinder, prevent, or change such destructive forces! For example, security agents, doctors, and people who choose to take precautions may try to prevent and stop a destructive source, or sources. They may even be considered heroes for doing so! Then, there are those who may consider dis-allowing someone to express free-will- often viewed as a human right- to be in violation of a particular system; though, most are likely to agree that in order to save a considerable amount of people from a pathway of destruction, some may need to stop, or prevent one or more people from causing harm to others!
Organizations have been the basis of forming groups to implement an idea, or movement. Even though a family is often the first structure of an organization, it is really how and what an organization stands for that determines its cause-and-effect. As a family, one learns to work with another, care and assist, and develop a personality based on what their family structure is teaching and providing them. Likewise, friendships instill familiarity, a sense of environment other than family, and even, development of personality since we often make friends while we are still young and impressionable! We get into more logical and structural organizations when we participate in a group that has more specific causes, like schools, interest groups, hospitals, and even farming! Agriculture is so enormous, for example, that it has taken humanity various ways to master the production and sustainability of it- even to this day! Once again, there are agreements, and disagreements on how farming should take place in order to provide for its people! Can you imagine how much it takes to ensure these methods do not fail; yet are safe for people to consume? It is all about strategy, recognizing past mistakes, and putting the necessary work in order to succeed- or, as far as we know through practice, procedure, and policy measures!
In the U.S.A. alone, there are so many political and social organizations, it is hard to keep track of the mission and reason why such organizations exist. Recently, over the course of a few days, I was able to witness how some of these organizations work- even religious ones! Once one recognizes the hypocrisy and ultimate goal of such organizations, one sees how these organizations stay afloat through the dedication of their supporters- not to mention the success of their implementation! For example, churches may have a shared history and value system, and may get support from their long-time rule over people's lives, but that doesn't mean they are doing humanity a favor- especially if one is supporting auctions of various luxuries to keep and gain support... for instance! Sure, the church may use the money they receive for their own people, agenda, and structures, but how are they helping the general public, fellow citizens, and other groups of people? Is this even on their agenda? Yes, churches and other organizations genuinely help others, and benefit society, but if we took the statistics of the far-reaching effects most of these organizations have on others, I believe we would be limited; otherwise, why else would we still have hunger, equality, and other major social issues like clean drinking water, health, and human rights- not to mention overall PEACE? Until we are given transparency of all organizations, we will be limited to various agendas that benefit a particular few, and thus, continue to waste valuable resources and opportunities!
Humanity has a social need to belong- even if one is restricted to a single family member, or friend. Nowadays, organizations are abundant, and one can find support for any issue involving an addiction, habit, or relation. Though humanity has built enormous organizations over eras and eras of living, the ones which have a strong, well-supported foundation are usally the ones left standing! We witness this with businesses and politicians, and yet, we accept it as the norm because we, ourselves, would have to organize in order to experience change. This was evident in the original Occupy Wall Street organization that hit so many groups of people in the U.S.A. There was a need to express the unfairness and inequality of banks verses consumers, and though there were many takes on why a disorganized organization existed and dismantled, it none-the-less showed a country- if not the world- what groups of people were capable of bringing attention to in the form of standing up, and causing a movement with one another. Now, as we tune into what is currently happening all around us, we still witness major foundations remaining intact,with some still taking as they please verses instilling what others are striving to change, and stand up for! What we can take from them, though, is that each piece of society has started with a movement which became a solid organization through the support, dedication, shared values, and people whom were willing to remain supportive of one another despite all odds... because as evident as it has been shown over time, these organizations are the ones most likely to succeed, and stay! Without the appropriate resources, shared values and firm support, foundations are most-likely to dry out unless they are bailed out! Thus, we must choose wisely!