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Just want to take this time to say how thankful I am--not just for Life, but for experiences, lessons, hardships, good times, and overall, connection. I mean, to connect to environment, others, animals, social events, country, and technology, to name a few, is an incredible experience! Even though humanity differs in so many areas, we are connecting faster, and we are becoming more AWARE of how we are interrelated, and just, beautiful! Even though there are tragedies, pain-and-suffering, victimhood, health problems, and unfortunate circumstances, we should all rejoice in knowing that we are having a common experience here on Earth, and most of what others are seeing, we are all seeing! I understand barriers still exist for many, but for the billions of individuals here on Earth whom are witnessing their very Life before them, there is something-to-be-said about how we are experiencing these very moments as each pass by, as we each react, and as we build--particularly, for one another and each other! Sure, we face hardships, disagreements, ignorance, and tragedies, but we also learn, grow, and move on! If we can't move on, we take our time to keep learning lessons over-and-over, until we finally become familiar with not only what we have learned, but how we have grown! I am so thankful for my journey, how I have grown, and how I am still growing! Even though I still tackle hardships, emotional roller-coasters, and disagreements with concrete structures, I am still thankful for all that I have learned, and continue to experience!

To this I state, LOVE EVERY MOMENT because each moment is to be cherished significantly, and insignificantly!