As I fill my writing ambition with music, news, and blogging, I must admit, like one of my favorite band sings, "I'm exactly where I want to be." (Pepper)
I just got "signed" to a News website which boasts seven million readers and just put me through a program which sharpened by writing skills... a lot. Perhaps I can even call myself a journalist- a position I originally wanted to avoid due to deadlines, competition, and format.
Originally, I saw myself as an author. I dabbled in fiction and non-fiction writing, and admit it was fun creating stories, or re-telling ones. Honestly, however, my storytelling became repetitive, and I sought short, sweet stories instead. As soon as I finished graduating from college, however, I was approached to review and write about music. That was fun, and still is fun because I still do it! I love to do it, and I don't take it for granted! Sometimes, however, I can't always make the show; especially if I have to pay to review it! It's just the type of economy I am in.
Over the last three weeks, I wrote about news and topics which strongly hold my interest. Though learning the information to publish my articles was tough, I was so happy to write the approximately 30 articles I did because the subjects are meaningful to me. Although I just discovered what I am passionate to write about doesn't always make the views, it is still a great way to get information out there which I personally find both interesting, and sometimes vital! No one can please everyone, but still, there are some who share my interests and take the time to read my material. Again, for that I am grateful and a believer in unity! Not only is this reason part of the reason I write, but to write helps build knowledge and an informed opinion for myself and others. Information is vital and well-accepted!
I am a writer. I will "hashtag" the word because it is what I am and what I do. It does not define me; although, it defines my interests! I love to write- there is no doubt about that! I am grateful to be the writer I am today, and I look forward to keeping up the motivation! Otherwise, who will bring the news and reviews? I will pledge to do so when the time comes!
Thanks again to all my devoted readers! MUCH LOVE to YOU, always!