Once you hit that publish button, it is DONE! What ever you have written, you have published. It is official! Official in the sense that it has been hard-wired in a system... it is, in essence, imprinted as a memory! Like art, once it is done, it is done! Ya can't change it because it is complete! You declared it when you decided you were done! You decided it had to be done, and ya got it done. No more needed to be added, and nothing could be erased. In its entirety, you and it are finished... complete! Maybe it wasn't what ya originally thought it should be, but since you completed it, you are done. Even if it didn't come out the way you thought it should, it is done! Finished! Not incomplete unless you forgot to do or add something! Could you add to it? Will you? Or, will you leave it alone once you have declared it to be done? Remember, it is official! Yours is an unique masterpiece which you have created, and it is published! Whether your words are seen by the eyes of others, or none, you have created something which is done, and has been published. It is complete! Let go of whatever else you "should have" done, "could" have done. It is done. It is finished! It is complete.