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Energy Increasing

Energy and Frequency are increasing.

Just the other day, I wrote about a mysterious object NASA is watching in the Milky Way called G2. Scientists thought it was a dust cloud; now, it might be helping to cause galactic flares. You know what that means, right? Energy is increasing.

There is a whole philosophy right now on the power of Light. Well, the Illuminati continued the study of it through Science while religions were explaining it as God. There have been many ways to explain how light radiates heat and energy. Now, the continuing philosophy is that humans can and might be light beings. (Think, early Prometheus!) We radiate some form of energy many probably refer to as the soul.

As NASA and other groups of scientists have discovered, stars portray endless energy and even behavior. A binary star system consists of two stars being drawn toward each other's energy. Stars are also known to become supernovas, explode and then become a neutron star, or dwarf pulsating through the universe - seemingly never dying. What if such energy is connected to an individual soul?

Since I still have an interest in Ancient wisdom and thinking, I ran into this article from a Facebook friend through a website called There, Dr. Kathy Forti, a clinical psychologist writes about how earth's "Schumann Resonance," or OM (AUM) has also increased in frequency.

Forti explains that for years, Earth's frequency has been radiating at a steady 7.83 Hz and since June of 2014, it may have changed, with some space equipment tuning it in at around 8.5 Hz, and counting. At times, it may have gone as high as 16.5 Hz, according to Forti. That means Earth is flooding with energy! Hallelujah, it is the return of Light!

Since I also keep up with other scientific-based websites,  I mentioned in my article on G2, that this mysterious energy, solar energy, and even earth energy can play a role in human function. Our minds can be tuning into these very frequencies and energies. Our world could be changing, and so can we!

Courtesy of Gerd Altmann
Even if such energy and vibrations fluctuate and disappear, it is a presence in which one who is tuned into his or her true heart energy can feel as guiding, uplifting, and increasing. Indeed, it is high-energy which can cause fluctuations in one's daily to weekly life, and even one's world. After all, the connections and energy we have here on earth are tremendous and on-point. We are all supposed to be where we are at, in this moment, at this exact time... not only to discover more awareness, but also experience what Life has to offer - whether one has the most dire set of circumstances or most blessed way of living. We're all in this together on ONE PLANET!

Lastly, if one is not amazed with the advancement of civilization, one has to be in denial. And, as a lot of us know, most people who live in denial like to stay in denial, so we won't blame any skeptics. But, for those of us who believe in Light, who believe in infinite creation and abstract destruction, and who believe in the connection of heart energy, we will be amazed at this influx of cosmic energy, solar energy, and magnetic energy. We will feel within our heart, all the fluctuations, all the vast changes, and all the infinite wisdom of  one true power which can destroy and renew us all, the true essence of Light.

For more information, check out these articles:

Thank you for reading my work. For more information, or for any questions, please email me.

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We The People

Courtesy of U.S. Government
We the people, in order to form a more Perfect Union...

The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution has so much meaning and so much promise. Of course, the text within the entire Constitution is nothing if it is not enforced; just how laws are nothing without enforcement, either.

Independence from England and The Constitution of the U.S. - in order to develop an outstanding nation built on justice, liberty, equality, and a fair government - is a much celebrated history. The U.S. is truly a wondrous, yet solid system that at times FAILS, but is quick to act JUSTLY.

Indeed, this great country is a complex, but strong system designed to instill the rights of its citizens to privacy, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Although the main goals of our nation could be to have a strong defense system, a fair and just legal system, and the ability to care and protect citizens, while also designating rules and guidelines, it is also fair to say that the U.S. wishes all of its citizens freedom. The freedom to live, to buy property, to establish rights, to be seen and heard, and not be denied help when needed.

Sure, in recent times, leaders in our government and government systems may have failed some of us. Protests are taking place which challenge the local government enforcement policy, and we are remembering times when help was denied during an immense natural disaster!

Luckily, we as a conscious species, can move beyond our hurtful past and grow into something NEW. And, new is usually beautiful! At times, it may be a bit scary because some, if not most of us have no idea what will prevail, but we must keep moving on if we are to obtain any kind of progress.

Courtesy of خالد منتصف
With new ideas comes progress, and with progress comes innovations. We are currently in a time where technology is connecting us faster than ever and we are in touch with more people, cultures, and societies. We are able to share events, footage, and opinions on subjects which matter most. We are also contributing to a great new wave of energy - whether it be in the form of renewable, alternative, or enlightening form.

Although billions of us could be striving to meet with the latest developments and most current events, we must not forget that there are still those who are somewhat, left behind! And, although everyone who is capable of catching up should do so, sometimes, we must lend a hand and help those who might not be quick to do so.
Photo by Debra Sweet
Marching in the streets for equality is no crime. It is only a crime when either side becomes violent. And, although gathering in groups to showcase a cause is admirable, we, in the U.S. should do more to ensure equal rights and opportunity, particularly towards those who may not know any better.

Every society will have its issues and every culture will have their traditions. What matters most is groups connecting to not only bring about an effective cause, but to unite in progressing as a species in whatever peaceful manner works. This could be in numerous ways and is not limited - unless it harms, impedes, discriminates, or disrepects another.

Although traditionalists may want to protect what is lawfully theirs to declare and hold, and some may even hold high opinions on the definition of liberties, opportunities, and freedom, it is important to remember that we are individual nations of one planet. With communications travelling at imminent speeds, we are more aware of one another. Therefore, we should value what we can share, bring, and say (in any language) to each other because some of us still do not have the same rights as others, and therefore, some of us are still struggling harder than most of us. Also, some of us may still not understand, or even want to be bothered.

To each, his or her own. Just know that when the U.S. was formed in its entirety, a lot of blood was spilled, a lot of gold was stolen, and a lot of slaves and prisoners were abused in order to free its inhabitants and do justice to natives. Sure, history may reveal the character of others, but true healing helps us move on, so that we may grow into something newer and possibly better. And, though the system is not perfect here in the U.S., it comes close to it when it comes to helping our own and others, as long as we continue to listen, respect, and be open-minded towards ourselves and others.

We are billions strong! Let's make this planet a billion times stronger too!

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We The People by sdlizlivestyle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


National Health Concerns and Matters in the U.S.

Recently, I just finished writing an article on the topic of vaccines on Guardian Liberty Voice, an online media outlet based out of Las Vegas, Nevada. I know many people are tired of the controversy over vaccinating children, and most are even settled on expert opinion regarding the MMR vaccine and any possibility of its link to the sensitive topic of autism.

Well, my article, Vaccination Week and the Ever-Changing U.S. brings up the types of statistics often used, and the possibility of how experts can miss something so simple. For example, being an Urban Studies Sociologist who understands probability and correlation, I insist experts should not make general statements regarding case studies. To start, many of these studies, which are often used for peer-reviewed journals by universities and government agencies, use only a few hundred to a few thousand subjects that are then multiplied to speak for the general public. Not only that, the length of time per study is often short, often only taking place up to six months. For matters concerning babies, studies may be conducted sporadically for two to three years in an uncontrolled environment.

Part of my argument addressed in my article, though, relies on information taken from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and their recommendations and procedures. Is it possible that agencies such as the CDC and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), as well as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are allowing federally-funded scientists to dictate what U.S. citizens can consume, without question? Take for instance, the food pyramid. For years, these U.S. government agencies told their citizens the ideal diet for the average American consisted of a triangular type of serving sizes of various foods - mainly being mostly grains, then fruit, vegetables, and dairy, then meats, and then sugary substances. The U.S. Department of Education allowed schools to teach this to all students, and then looked the other way when the average school lunch consisted of pizza, hot dogs, french fries, and ketchup. The USDA even went so far as to consider ketchup a serving of vegetables, despite it having a substantial amount of sugar.

Now, in this day and age of technology, increasing opportunity, and online information, many citizens are taking the initiative to gather information themselves to decide what is best for them and their family. However, due to social media websites, everyone is voicing an opinion, and propaganda is being spread abundantly. People have to question what are reliable sources; although, most people still rely on government agencies to determine what is best for them, as well as prestigious universities and successful media networks, such as CNN, FOX, and ABC, for example. And why not? These institutions often have the most capital, or sustained resources!

As often happens between social classes, many of these institutions may miss something not often seen in their piece of the puzzle. To start, samples taken for case studies, though intended to be non-discriminatory, often only represent a particular area. Results are then calculated to determine a mean, range, and particular correlation, if any exist. However, these results are then multiplied to produce a probability, or likeliness of a result for the overall, national population.

Yes, it is a smart procedure, but often fails to address the uniqueness of certain individuals. In fact, it was not too long ago that these institutions finally reached out to inner-city residents in order to include more unique results. Even though, small amounts of subjects are still used to generalize for the entire population of the ever-growing U.S.

Although studies appear to take place among more various universities and local government agencies, and even broader medical institutions, it appears these biased generalizations still convince citizens of findings pertaining to health, nutrition, and even issues related to the environment. Most people are familiar with these results as that of Scientific-based research, but the truth is, it is all institutionalized results. When one breaks down such information, one will notice how environmental factors are often dismissed because such research is hard to conduct in uncontrolled areas. This represents a continual bias because real life takes place among cities, vehicles, nature and other types of surroundings, and not only in hospitals, laboratories, and classrooms.

To conclude, results of any science experiment or case study derived from one particular institution in one particular area which uses limited samples should not be used to generalize results for a national population, let alone a global one. Instead, regional results of an entire nation should be used to accumulate nation-wide data, which should then be used to calculate and obtain national results. Also, since most people experience stimuli both inside and outside themselves, so should Science. There are numerous factors which could contribute to disease, genetics, and overall human and environmental progress. For agencies, such as the CDC and FDA to limit their findings to particular case studies conducted in controlled environments, would produce results which do not accurately represent a national population; thereby leaving the probability of a margin of error to be unprecedented. And, this is the very reason why most people in the U.S. advocate their right to make their own health, safety and nutritional decisions, as was stated in my article mentioned above.

Thank you for tuning in and thinking as an individual!



There seems to be times when all we see, feel, and are is emptiness. A prolonging silence testing our silent limit, in which we either join the silence, or go stir-crazy by it. At times, this emptiness can be quite cold, making us so aware of such hollowness, it is as if all energy was sucked out of our immediate surroundings. When will such energy return? When will it again warm us to bright temperatures? That is just it, though; it is emptiness. It is cold. It is so hollow, it does not exist... or, at least, it does not appear to exist.

Dead, cold silence. Only death could be so eerie! And yet, there are times when each of us will face such emptiness we never really knew existed. It may come on suddenly, or take its time, until suddenly we realize we are completely alone. Nothing anyone says will rid its presence, and we may feel as if we have no choice but to surrender to it. And, when we surrender to it, we will become it - dead, cold silence.

There really is nothing wrong with such silence... such emptiness which tests our limits of loneliness. To be so lonely and aware of such emptiness is a sign we have accepted its presence, which has isolated our soul and tested our very existence. In this material plane, when we each find our self alone, we may find ways to avoid such loneliness... such emptiness. But, what if we had nothing and no one to help us? What if we experienced such presence in order to accept vast emptiness situated all around us? In truth, we can easily be surrounded by nothing, and either accept it, or go crazy by it.

If Consciousness was all we had while being surrounded by a force so hollow, so mind-crushingly deep that our consciousness also almost cease to exist, how many of us would survive? This is a true emptiness which seemingly brings a freezing point so brutal, one cannot even fathom if he or she exists, or not. One would be so enraptured within that nothing and no one else appears to exist, ever! Everything would appear as a blur, noises would cease, movements would cease, and brain function would grow dim and hollow, like the exact emptiness surrounding it.

Emptiness is not a trick, or a dream. Instead, it is a constant, surrounding hollowness which can easily zap one's energy into oblivion, appearing to cause recklessness, destruction, insanity, and chaos... a force so powerful, we almost return to it upon death. We must be careful of such hollowness, for it is like a warp zone, zapping away at Consciousness in order to bring one back to another miracle - another chance of survival. However, if one's heart still beats, and one's brain still functions, it may continue to appear as a sweet offer of silence turning into a cold, desperate intrigue that must sooner or later be recognized, and sooner or later, be obeyed.

This is emptiness.



Finding Myself

It has taken a long time, but I have finally found myself. It is not as if I was searching for who I am all these years; it was more like, where did I come from to become who I am today. Sure, we all have our individual flaws, mishaps, misfortunes, and lessons. I am no different than any other human being who learns through experience, and through what he or she is taught. However, I have also contemplated what it is I firmly believe and what it is I still want to either learn, or do. Really, all of us are searching for meaning and contribution, but I am satisfied with my presence to the point where any curses have turned into blessings and any lessons have turned into love.

It was not an easy journey. I have lived through a childhood of lies and instability. I have had setbacks and retardation. I basically have gone from point Zero to where I am NOW. Where I am now is great, but where I have been is far more incredible. Even though I have gone through crazy, unpredictable times, I have also gone through sane, silent achievements. I have gone through feelings of gratitude, loneliness, euphoria, and hardship. I have seen both light and dark. I have even known streets as my best friend.

Where I am now is great. I am older and more the wiser. I have settled down to the point where I can call my home a real home. In fact, I have everything I could possibly think of having, even though I still carry holes in my heart. Sure, those holes consist of empty memories which bear the pain of loss and tribulations. And, though I continue to carry these holes in my heart, gratitude fills them up as a family welcoming a stranger into its home.

I, too, have found my own personal meaning, and though I still search for more meaning, I am content with where I have been and where I want to go. Because in this day and age, a lot of us may be able to go nearly anywhere, but every one of us has the potential to reach the farthest star if we just strive hard enough to reach it!

Cheers to you and yours, and may we all be blessed by the power of GOD. All-men and all women!


Friday the 13th - Divine Love

Photo by Takashi M - License
The event was intended to be forgotten, burnt so only its ashes existed. Yet, the spirit of such a phenomenal event lived on and became celebrated as Friday, the 13th, with future attributions relating to the number 13.

If one looks closely at this number, one can interpret its significance. Sure, the 13th was the date when most women were massacred for controlling the world with beauty, sexual desire, and an emotional state-of-being. Before then, women were worshiped and considered sacred as our physical bodies meant the birth of new life and nurture, and emotional attachment.

We were then condemned as witches, ones who could not bear any more power over our brothers and life systems. We were burned alive and enslaved, becoming powerless to bear the aggressive and forceful nature of man.

We also had protectors, those in touch with their compassionate side - those who honored and respected the cycle in life which bore new life. Those who appreciated and respected the essence and feel of the Divine Feminine. Those who helped to continue and sustain the birth of new life.

Now, we are here, at the mercy of present-day systems, both Old and New. Now, we are here, still continuing the gift of life, the essence of divinity, the nurture of emotions. For, it is with a mother's touch that all human beings can know and feel love. It is with a mother's touch that one may feel protected and capable, for all life forms are that of masculine and feminine, combined; except for those few who are capable of sustaining Divine Femininity on their own.

The number 13 is the figure that follows sacred 12 levels - 12 months, 12 hours of day, 12 hours of night, 12 steps before starting over... back to Zero, or back to ONE? Zero is thirteen as 13 is the number for which all is lost and gone into the process of renewal. Thirteen is sacred in creation, in how it relates to the in-between from ending to NEW beginning.

Four is often associated with the GOD number in Numerology. Four is the sacred family - mother, father, daughter, and son. Four is Life. Four is complete. With the sacred family comes sacred life, sustained.

Today, we live in a world where parts of masculinity still act as tyranny, where logic must make sense, be applicable, and exclude emotion. We live in lop-sided systems from this, which are often unhappy, incomplete, and usually frustrated. Even our brain has shown us two hemispheres, which include both logic and emotion to function completely. Therefore, we are suppressing emotion. We are suppressing expression. We are suppressing our Divine Femininity.

Until we can acknowledge the Divine Feminine in all of us, until we can balance masculinity with femininity, we will continue to live in a crooked world where only half of us are represented, and half of us are suppressed to nearly extinction. And, as many of us know the peaceful, eternal presence state-of-being, we know that it is not particularly saddening to leave unto a different world through transformation, carrying with us these lessons of our scars and remnants of our beauty.

To all women who represent Divine Love, Nurture, Emotional Intelligence, and the Pathway to Eternity, may GOD BLESS ALL FORMS OF LIFE with your Ever-Presence.

Creative Commons License
Friday the 13th - Divine Love by sdlizlivestyle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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(Stay tuned for an upcoming fairytale related to the sacred pathway of femininity)

~EternaL Love LOVES YOU



Lent is here and no matter how you celebrate it, it has deep and embedded meaning. Those who partake in the observation of Lent appear to be aware of the act of sacrifice. Not only that, a ritual may be performed to where a soul cleanses its vessel and spirit. But, what about free-will and strength? The tradition of Lent in such religions as Christianity is often affiliated with the story of Jesus Christ, who resisted temptation from the so-called Devil.

No matter how one celebrates changes, like those found in seasons, it is an important aspect for one to reflect upon his or hers present situations. Reflection is often key to understanding one's self, one's values, and one's system - system being one's family, friends, or daily acquaintances, whether one has a significant bond with them, or not. These are people you surround yourself with on almost a daily basis.

It is often said, you are the company you keep. Indeed, when one reflects on this saying, one may conjure up that his or her best friends are those whom he or she trusts most, while family will always be family, and those one casually knows do not know much about him or her. More importantly, there are those who prefer to stand alone completely, often in the convenience of their own making because he or she may be more introverted, or simply standoff-ish.

We are here to experience. We are here to learn. No matter one's situation, there are pathways and doors still available. One just has to take the first, second, and third steps to reach a milestone, and then continue on to the next one.

Lent is important in that when we reflect, we can go back to see how far we've come, or how many challenges we had refused to take. We can also pray and ask for forgiveness. We can feel source -energy- as we meditate and conjure up a world of our own making. Mostly, we can be healthy here on Earth and Live in a most humane way - spreading genuine acts of kindness as much as possible.

Temptation may seem sweet, and it may attempt to weaken our vitality and commitments, but strength, honor, and commitment is key to maintaining a beautiful soul that is unburdened by the world. Leaders and gossipers may try to crucify those who appear weak and feeble, but as shown by the story of Jesus Christ, our story and Spirit will live on, even if wronged by those who try to keep us weak.

With Love,

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LENT by sdlizlivestyle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at



Experiencing milestones in life is truly a blessing. Not only is it a mark in one's journey to note how one has been living and what he or she has accomplished, it makes one feel alive! Rather, it should. Milestones are like chapters in a book, and anyone can determine how many chapters will go in one.

Most religions and cultures mark the day a child becomes an adult. Indeed, such an occurrence is a milestone. Even though age does not appear to mark this important stage, there are times and events when suddenly a child awakens to the perception of adults. This is the essence of milestones and why such is celebrated.

Native American culture and spirituality has important, celebrated milestones. For instance, a mark of manhood for most Native American tribes was the day a boy went out to hunt with the tribesmen. Indeed, this is a major milestone for a culture that relied on hunting wild game for food. As with most religions as well, the day a woman moved in with another family marked a major milestone and was often celebrated by terms of an agreement and ritual celebrating the marriage of two people.

There are so many milestones in life, whether one recognizes them, or not. How people celebrate them differ throughout cultures because some cultures may not even celebrate an important milestone. A girl's period, for instance. Although many cultures celebrate the age surrounding the change in a girl's body from child to woman, there is no real direct celebration for the first sign of her menstruation cycle, which is significant and will last for decades. Thus, girls may not even be able to process what such milestone should mean to them. If more girls were aware of the milestone that involves having a monthly occurrence take place for years to come which signified she was able to birth a child and start a family, and that such occurrence is sacred, more cultures might celebrate its significance and milestone mark.

The accomplishments of men might be celebrated differently because at times it is hard to tell when a boy becomes a man. Is it when a boy serves his family more and then starts his own that he officially becomes a celebrated man? Is it the onset of hormones and how the boy responds to them that determines such mark? Perhaps it is when a boy first performs a selfless act and provides for others in a heroic way that determines a boy's sudden mark into manhood. No matter which way such event occurs, it is significant and should also be celebrated as a life-changing event.

Milestones appear to jolt a soul into realization. Such occurrences, whether recognized or not, or which arrive in detail, or not- whether self-made or founded by culture, appear to mark each soul with a special area of growth. Realizing, celebrating, and accomplishing such milestones are significant, and seem to truly mark chapters in life each of us face.



Over the years I have thought about the word coward and what it implies. Google explains it in their search bar as "a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person," according to

I have thought about this word because I have dealt with ways of cowardice. I do not welcome trouble, competition, or even argument if it involves disrespect, unkindness, or a longing disgrace between another and myself; certainly if some relationship was/is not meant to be, it was/is not meant to be. This to me is not necessarily being cowardly or causing avoidance, it is simply, reality.

In witnessing what being "cowardly" means, I admit I have judged others on what I would consider cowardly because I had originally figured they were otherwise confident. Of course, this judgment was and continues not to be intended as something harmful or vengeful, but instead, in wonder of said people.

An example would be those I figured could easily talk to me, but chose not to do so. Having experienced this as a trait myself, I understand the anguish in mustering up something to say at times; after all, one cannot be ON at all times. And, admittedly, a lot of chances were blown in being unable to say something to someone, which I may have later felt a sort of regret for not having done so.

In coming to realize this timidness I have carried since childhood, I often wondered why I was overly-observant and cautious:

  • It's part of My Sun Sign, Scorpio - admittedly, I have found being cautious to be a common trait of the astrological sign, Scorpio.
  • Being Asian - Over some  years, I have found a lot of people in my area consider Asian people more timid than other races, mostly those from Japanese culture - to which I have Japanese roots.
  • Rocky Childhood - As a child growing up in a dysfunctional family during the 1980s and 1990s, and being the baby of my family, I found myself alone and unsupported a lot. I had often yearned for companionship but was too shy to ask as a child. Part of this problem may have stemmed from early-childhood speech problems.
  • The Child Within - Psychology teaches an identification of the inner-child. Most of us often refer to this inner child as our "ego." The ego wants and takes as it pleases without thinking about consequences ... until consequences happen! I have not let some aspects go affiliated with my inner child, including timidity.
  • Zero to Low Confidence - Ok, STOP! "Confidence," let alone "self-confidence" is tricky to define. If one is confident all the time, one has nothing to worry about with regards to social situations, such as giving a speech, taking risks in business, or even implementing a plan. Yes, that is great if that is anyone who can do that! However, many cannot remain confident at all times, and some do not also lack self-confidence. When one speaks of "self-confidence," one can agree this has more to do with assurance of one's ability and/or acceptance of self.

I am beautiful! I know this! Not because I am in love with my looks but because I have been complemented many times, I do value my worth, and I instill a more loving attitude toward myself and others, at least more often than hate. However, when it comes to having confidence at all times, I will admit, I do not have confidence at ALL times! I am cautious and at times I can be a perfectionist, or simply, too observant. I cannot be all in when I feel I have a lot to risk, meaning I usually weigh benefits and risks before making a final decision. Perhaps this is due to my Virgo moon, which deals more conservative cards than freedom-loving ones, such as those often associated with my rising sign of Sagittarius.

Social Anxiety may be another factor which I may have not known about for a long duration of my life. I do not do well in large groups, but rather, exceed more in personal relationships and smaller groups. In fact, many of us thrive this way; though, capitalist society would have us think differently. The reason is because corporations are huge entities and appear overwhelming. It is a scientific fact, however, that most people perform better in groups of eight, or smaller so that face-to-face contact is more readily available, and not so overwhelming.

Though I may have overestimated the ability of some people to approach me and not act so cowardly, I must admit that I have also faced such anxiety levels and wrongful, egotistical expectations. At one point, I expected those I deemed confident to sweep me off my feet, as if a fantasy role in some modern-day fairytale. The more I figured out my wrongful expectations and assumptions, the more I figured how much of a coward I am, myself.

Until next time, "Seize The Day!" Or, each moment and opportunity.


Happy New Year, 2015!

Happy New Year to everyone who follows the Gregorian Calendar! It is a new year, a new start, and a reason to make new plans, such as healthy alternatives and resolutions. Astrologically, after this first full moon, we are all being pulled to jump-start our life! For instance, there was a Grand Cardinal Cross and with the way the planets were placed, we are, in a way, not only reviewing and ridding where and what we are within Life, but also looking at where we want to go. Zoom!

Admittedly, those who hope for revolutions that will change courses within society are usually considered just that- hopeful, while their projects may be considered possible if such projects are beneficial for society. Issues relating to economic equality, social welfare, and decriminalization, for example, may appear impossible, but if one looks at the course of history and society, one will recognize that most changes which had occurred had started with people who had gathered and protested. This is not to state that more people should protest; after all, we saw what happened in the U.S. with regards to police brutality.

For any change to occur in society, people have to take the initiative to not only attract supporters and funding, but have a clear understanding about what it is they want to change. Prohibition laws, tax laws, even criminal law may need to be reviewed by state or county, and if sought at the federal level, by various state supporters. After all, how else does a democracy function, and why else do Republicans and Democrats look tirelessly for voters? If more people organized and formed a solid voting forum with a common agenda, and funded it, more issues could possibly be addressed and resolved, faster and easier.

It is now 2015 and with various opportunities available in various places, it appears feasible for like-minded people who feel oppressed by other organizations to get together and do something about it. Gone are the days of complaint after complaint; it is time to get together, fund a project, and get going on the course of Life - even if it is by individual groups!

Happy Hunting and Funding! Go Get It!