It might just be an unique perspective to view certain topics so passionately as to not be able to quit 'em. The SD Liz Lifestyle has been one of music, politics, astrology, health, and world issues. In fact, there are so many topics at hand, I find it amazing that so many appear to cruise through life so casually and not care about various topics. It may be easier to simply state how many are still asleep and need to WAKE UP to their surroundings.
To start, the energy of current times does appear to be changing. There are credible sources which point to changes in Earth's rotation and its magnetic pull. Weather occurrences and temperature variation are showing fluctuations, which have an impact on environment. Nowadays, many also cannot deny the impact of human pollution.
If one pays attention to the political arena, there are various issues arising more and more each day. Most of it appears to deal with debt. Other issues appear to be about government and how people are being governed. In the USA, some people are taking to social media to question their democracy and whether their vote and voice matters. Indeed, political uprisings are very telling of how groups of people are feeling with their everyday life.
For the last few months and until March in Astrology, the Full Moon has occurred at zero degrees of each new sign. Time-wise, the end of 2019 might be pivotal since it occurs seven years since the significance of the year, 2012. Many astrologers are also expressing messages of "letting go of the past." Perhaps humanity has actually entered a New Age and it has now fully began.
Though there are many topics which could be discussed, there continues to be a need for productivity. The economy is important in the everyday life of various people - if not the majority of them. Without the wheels and revolving doors of monetary policy, the gears of reality would appear to stop. Once more banks and businesses realize the importance of investing in one of the most vital resources, which includes workers and their family, they may begin to realize the role most of them perform in revitalizing economies.
Until then, there are so many topics at hand which should be addressed. Though it was a pleasure to actively showcase many of the subjects just mentioned, it is time to move, "Forward On" and focus on that which is most important. For me, that is the continuance of writing and bringing attention to chosen issues which have my attention - my full attention.
Take care out there!