I have always believed there are significant points in time which should and do matter to our planet and humanity. My beliefs have been confirmed in studies and current events, which have included such subjects as Geology, Physical Geography, and readings of various cultural beliefs.
The truth of the matter is I pay attention to the Mayan Calendar. There is a significance to 2012, which studies in Astrology also confirm. Our current state of existence is in a precious space/time point where different types of energy fluctuate and natural occurrences recycle over time. Such action is taking place at this moment - not at an alarming rate but surely progressing. Indeed! Natural cycles appear to occur which affect humanity and other species on earth, but how does it effect our intellect? Will we all witness a transformation so epic that only a few will remain to tell their version of what happened ... as has happened in past times? Such occurrences are rare and do happen; humanity will simply respond, especially with our type of intellect.
We are in a phenomenal space/time zone where innovation is flourishing and limits are expanding. Scientists are finding planetary bodies which mimic Earth's climate -- exoplanets which could carry life similar to ours. Now is the time for us to become aware of our human potential and how it is impacting our state of existence. Even the possibility of extraterrestrial life is becoming closer to actualization while some are on the verge of replicating human existence from laboratories with their design of brain functions, clones, and expansive research that will continue to save and change more lives. It is a time to put attention to how brilliant our own species is developing and expanding.
Though such innovation and new experiences are unbelievable, our environment is sensitive to such human impact. Pollution and smog, for example, create problems which affect health and climate. Whether we like to admit it or not, Nature reacts to any and all changes which are carried out from human interference, including gaseous air, wildfires, water pollution, altered landscape, even famine. Though we have shown enduring responses with artificial environments, which can and does mimic nature, such types of environments (and laboratories) are still at its premature levels; humanity may still have to test and use survival skills to advance or preserve natural living in these environments just mentioned.
Spirituality, on the other hand, is an intuitive belief system, dear to many. How it recalls the origin of existence, the fate of many, and the karmic reaction to all that takes place in this experience called life may be impacted not only by unseen guidance that is beyond logical comprehension, but also cyclical occurrences. It is hard to refute cycles which naturally occur or result from an experience already witnessed, but many do believe in fate and karma. No matter the differences in belief systems, time and space have shown the likeliness of certain events taking place which will eventually affect life and environment. It is happening now, but Science is still studying it. We are fortunate to experience these levels of change and occurrences which have a high likeliness of occurring but during a different time and space. Now may be the time to realize and prepare for such great changes.