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As Bob Marley sang, "Is this love?"

A strong association says it all - coincidences, passion, unspoken moments of what appears to be electrified connections stating, it is meant to be. 

It is not easy to deny such a seemingly inevitable bond. It is the utmost suffering to not to be able to do anything about it with a so-called truth that if two are meant to be, they will find one another. Meaningful moments, mind-blowing connection and unrelenting feelings steering the vessels of two souls toward each other, possibly stuck in fate. Is this love?

Time is not on their side when these souls are not yet ready to meet. Perhaps they are not meant for one another, for two souls destined to find each other will always find a way ... eventually, or then, it is not destined. Soulmates can still find one another even if designated to someone else through hard contracts dealt in physical terms. For, if such destiny is true, nothing would matter even as moments continue to be fleeting and time continues ticking away.

An undeniable connection so electric, two souls who have searched and found each other through particular ways is indescribable. To experience such moments is to not be dissuaded by hard boundaries and avoid crossing lines, but to twirl around in fate's spiral and become one with the stars. Spiritual law rules over spirituality as what is meant to be, it is meant to be.

Such collided fates of eventuaL soulmates can be experienced if their destinies are meant to be, for these mates are tied beyond reason and will eventuaLLy find one another, whether in this life or next. But, if these two cannot express and release the built-up attachment of that which also accompanies desperation, loneliness, and a love yearning to be conquered, what storms will build and release in the saddest of current times. Soulmates are for now.


Digital Age

For some time, now, humanity has been experiencing a digital age which has taken off to new heights, some of which has never been seen before, even in areas outside of Earth which almost appear beyond our control. We have inventions which can trace other areas outside our planet; yet, we can only physically really explore the dry red planet next to us. Indeed, exploration and innovation have taken off and our world is more interconnected.

During this transformation in the technology of commerce, communication, and mobility, it is amazing to note how quick we humans can gain access to one another. This includes using means through telecommunication, transportation, and even video capability. Not only can people talk, type, video conference or artfully express themselves into machines which then transport the information (almost instantaneously around the world) to another source, but transactions are almost as swift, too. Not only is a global market within reach, if not already here, but global conferences are available, too. In fact, Global Interaction through digital means is inevitable.

Most of these possibilities in technology are due to satellites. With a grand space force and international community making it all possible, humanity is able to execute more information and opportunity around the world than in previous times. After a pandemic hit the entire world, it is more obvious how our species can function digitally and accomplish many different things.

It is important to establish a digital identity and protect one's digital image and assets. Though it seems silly to make a profile and go through existing files and sort through all kinds of data, it is important to protect one's self from Identity Theft, scams, and digital robbery. It would be advised to find an expert in technical-ware if one is not aware of varying (possibly, much-needed) options. Resort to trusted sources.

If our world can survive machinery and all its great inventions, than perhaps humanity can exist in a world surrounded by concrete and metal.